Wow there’s so much to share! I hope to condense this down to the most important factors that influence the female body.
There are Four Secrets to becoming a fabulously healthy female.
1. Feed Yourself Right
2. Balance Your Hormones
3. Pamper Yourself Regularly
4. Celebrate Your Femininity
Good Nutrition is your number one beauty secret – the best cosmetic your money can buy.
Love yourself enough to nourish yourself properly! Processed and refined foods damage your health.
Focus on whole foods and balance your nutritional intake. Slow down and enjoy what you eat.
Avoid simple carbohydrates and steer towards complex carbohydrates instead. Craving carbohydrates means you’re not getting enough good fats and protein.

Don’t overcook proteins. Organic meat from grass fed animals taste better and have higher nutritional value. Organic meat, dairy and eggs also helps you avoid xenoestrogens. What’s that you ask? Stick with me.
You need GOOD fats for reproductive health.
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
Coconut Oil
Butter and cream from organic, grass-fed cows.
Avoid hydrogenated fats, commercially fried foods, excessive use of vegetable oil.
Xenoestrogens (environmental estrogens) are a major cause of reproductive health problems. The liver breaks down excess estrogens, so liver problems will also cause hormone imbalance.
Commercial meat and dairy products
Pesticide residues on commercial produce
Shampoos [unbelievably this is a BIG one along with others that will surprise you]
Microwave cooking in plastic

Aid Liver with Detoxification
– Indole-3 Carbynol
– All Cell Detox
– Enviro-Detox
– Milk Thistle Combination
Increase Progesterone
– Progesterone Cream by Nature’s Sunshine or Progessence Plus by Young Living
Reduce Exposure to Xenoestrogens
Block estrogen receptors with phytoestrogens
– Breast Assured Herbal Combination
– Eat whole grains, beans, dark green leafy vegetables
Stress is a major contributing factor to reproductive health problems. You can’t avoid stress, but you can counteract its effects. Create pleasurable experiences.
– Spa day
– Enjoy your favorite hobby
– Treat yourself to a massage
– Walk in Nature
– Take a hot bath with candles and your favorite essential oils
– Listen to music you enjoy

Many women have shame, fear and guilt associated with their reproductive cycle, breasts, libido, sexual activity or femininity. These emotional issues contribute to female health issues. Work towards facing and addressing these issues.
The products I’ve referenced can be researched via the NS Products tab above and the Progressence Plus can be researched via the YL Products tab.
Next issue will be PART TWO – where I’ll share with you targeted natural helps for a variety of female concerns.
Uterine Fibroids
Ovarian Cysts
Genital Herpes
Fibrocystic breast disease
Breast Cancer Prevention
Stay tuned for PART TWO next week.
Sheila VanHemert, C.N.
The Healthy Alternative
Heal the Right Way – The Real Way
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The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.