Ovarian Cysts – also called Polycystic Ovary Disorder – are actually quite common. One in ten women will experience difficulty in this area at some point in their reproductive life.
They consist of a sac containing fluid or semi-solid material that develops within the ovarian tissue (follicles). The development of these cysts indicates endocrine system imbalance. The ovaries don’t manufacture the hormones necessary for eggs to fully mature. Ovulation often times doesn’t occur, so progesterone is not produced. The follicle that didn’t release the egg becomes a sac filled with fluid. They are generally not serious and disappear on their own without surgery.
Generally there are no symptoms in the early stages. Eventually produces excessive bleeding during menses, and painful menstrual cycles. Also absent or irregular periods can be a symptom of an ovarian cyst. There can be pain in the pelvic area, distention of abdomen, and they can also cause weight problems.
Toxic Liver
Insulin Resistance
“Cysts and fibroids are a part of the body’s normal defense system. When the liver isn’t able to detoxify the system, a “second liver” is created in the form of a cyst or fibroid. The second liver performs the role of storing toxins and maintaining the organism’s equilibrium.” – Dr. Catherine Kousimine
Cell Detox Formula
Lymphatic Drainage
Pau D’ Arco
Wild Yam with Chaste Tree
Progesterone Cream
Progessence Essential Oil
Cleansing Trio
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Hormone Balancing Tea [see notes on Healthy Alternative Main Page]
NingXia Red
Juva Cleanse Essential Oil
Helichrysum Essential Oil
For specific program recommendations please contact Sheila directly.
Please visit my websites, linked in the SHOP tab, to research specific recommended products and oils.
God Bless,
Sheila VanHemert, C.N.
Master of Holistic Health
The information provided within The Healthy Alternative Website should not be construed as personal medical advise or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this blog. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.
The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.