Natural Remedies
Learn About Effective, Natural Remedies to Support Your Well-Being
Seven Keys to Heart Health
In this issue of Sunshine Sharing, we’ll update your knowledge about how to keep your heart and cardiovascular system healthy.
Lobelia – A Gift to Humankind
Lobelia is both a relaxant and a stimulant. Small doses of the tincture (5 - 10 drops) will act as a tonic and stimulant; larger doses will act as a sedative. It is used internally for spasmodic lung and respiratory conditions (small doses, 10 drops of tincture or one...
Tummy Trouble
In this issue of Sunshine Sharing, you’re going to learn about the importance of stomach acid, the problems associated with low stomach acid, and how to correct it with natural remedies.
Red Clover Herb – A Blood Purifying Power House
I always remember Red Clover when I was young. It was always present in fields I frequently played in as a child. Sometimes I would pick the flowers off, similar to how we would pull the tops off of dandelions. But.... back then I had no clue that these magnificent...
Lemon Essential Oil – Definitely not a lemon
Lemons are an amazing fruit. Not just for lemonaid. In fact, when lemon rinds are steam distilled or expressed from the fruit peel, they become a concentrated power house. Since lemon oil is so popular and relatively inexpensive, many companies adulterate with natural...
Essiac Tea
Essiac tea detoxifies the body, attacks cancer cells, and ramps up the immune system with powerful antioxidants. Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse, treated her patients with an inexpensive, natural tea for fifty years – free of charge − and had the support of many...
Female Health – Level One
Wow there’s so much to share! I hope to condense this down to the most important factors that influence the female body. There are Four Secrets to becoming a fabulously healthy female.1. Feed Yourself Right2. Balance Your Hormones3. Pamper Yourself Regularly4....
Female Health – Level Two
NATURAL SOLUTIONS TO COMMON FEMALE HEALTH PROBLEMS Here is a list of common female health problems:Uterine FibroidsOvarian CystsEndometriosisVaginitisGenital HerpesPMSInfertilityLack of LibidoFibrocystic BreastBreast Cancer Prevention UTERINE FIBROIDSThese growths...
Female Health – Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian Cysts – also called Polycystic Ovary Disorder – are actually quite common. One in ten women will experience difficulty in this area at some point in their reproductive life. They consist of a sac containing fluid or semi-solid material that develops within the...
Spring Cleansing Time to Renew & Reset
A cleansing diet naturally occurs during a cold, flu, or illness. Our body knows what we need, and often times we don’t feel much like eating. There is an old saying “Starve a fever – feed a cold”, but this doesn’t seem to be specifically accurate. You’ll need to...